AM Kanngieser

Transversal Geographies

SL Artist interview: Enlivening our responsiveness to the world Green Dreamer 2024 SL Artist interview: Refuge Radio Refuge Radio 2024 SL Decolonising aural architectures Somerset House Studios 2024 SL Habitat Sonore: A Kind of Harmony PHI Centre 2024 SL Listening in Oceania CTM Festival: Discourse Series - Sustain 2024 SL Listening to place, practising relationality: Embodying six emergent protocols for collaborative relational geographies Emotion, Space and Society 2024 EC, SL Oceanic Ontologies: Taloi Havini, Amer Kanngieser and Mere Nailatikau KoozArch: Un-Built Imaginary 2024 EC Oceanic Refractions CTM x Transmediale 2024 EC Oceanic Refractions in conversation Transmediale 2024 SL Artist interview: Ear | Wave | Event. Listening Beyond Ear | Wave | Event 2023 EC Crenulations: Pacific drift Struer Tracks Biennale 2023 EC How water calculates Transmediale 2023 SL Listening across faultlines: Stories of Oceanic life Deutschland Radio 2023 EC Research keynote: Ethics and ecocidal listening, Oceanic Refractions as an artistic case study Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture 2023 SL Sonic colonialities: Listening, dispossession, and the (re)making of Anglo-European nature. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2023 SL To hear differently, away from sonic certitude: Some propositions University of Westminster Press 2023 EC Unscalable Transmediale 2023 EC Artist feature: Art and Climate Change (World of Art) Thames and Hudson 2022 EC Artist interview: Ecotactics Gnration 2022 EP Research keynote: On not knowing (for that which cannot be imagined) Transmediale 2022 EC Research keynote: Listening for connection and disconnection in eco-sonic practice CTM Festival 2022 EC Sound Ecology Internet Public Radio 2022 SL We hear them in their laughter MILK Gallery 2022 SL Abolitionary listening: Propositions and questions Critical Legal Thinking: Law and the Political 2021 SL Acts of listening and urban geography: Four propositions of sonic knowledges and territories IMéRA, Aix-Marseille University Institute for Advanced Study 2021 SL And always, I return to this Transmediale 2021 EC Artist feature: Art Quarterly Art Quarterly 2021 SL Artist interview: Sound Arts Now Uniform Books 2021 SL Artist interview: Time to Listen, Space to Experiment Paradiso Press 2021 SL Between Dying and Death there is a Hum Rewire International Festival for Adventurous Music 2021 EC Research keynote: Environmental kin studies for the environmental humanities The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment 2021 EC Artist interview: Land, listening and leaving ArtEZ Studium General 2021 SL Listening as method, part III: Listening as taking-leave Seedbox Environmental Humanities Lab 2021 SL Listening as Relation, an Invocation CTM Festival: Discourse Series - Critical Modes of Listening 2021 SG On the Volatility of Noise, Residual Bass Kunstraum Niederoesterreich 2021 EC To undo nature; on refusal as return Transmediale 2021 EC Artist interview: Radio Web MACBA (Son[i]a #314) Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art 2020 EC Artist interview: Radio Web MACBA (Son[i]a #314) Deleted Scenes Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art 2020 EC Ecofascism and Nature is Healing Heart of Glass 2020 EC Eulogy for the Handfish The Parallel Effect 2020 EC From environmental case study to environmental kin study History and Theory 2020 SL Invocation (For Z) Touch Compass and Auckland Live 2020 SL Listening as method, part I: Listening as coming-to Seedbox Environmental Humanities Lab 2020 SL Listening as method, part II: Listening as being-with Seedbox Environmental Humanities Lab 2020 EC Research Keynote: Listening to Ecocide Sonic Acts 2020 EC Tarawa Night Song Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw 2020 SL Undertow Klosterruine Berlin 2020 EC Un-ear-thing | Unwanted Liquid Architecture 2020 EC Weaponizing ecocide: Nauru, offshore incarceration, and environmental crisis The Contemporary Pacific 2020 EC Mining the Deep Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art 2019 SL Sonifying the world Sounding Place 2019 EC Submerged Arts Centre Melbourne 2019 SG Transversal geo-politics: Sound as violence Transversal Geographies 2019 EC Climate change: Nauru’s life on the frontlines The Conversation 2018 EC Environmental Art Companion to Environmental Studies 2018 EC In the Eye of the Storm Reina Sofia Museum of Contemporary Art 2018 EC In sonic defiance of extinction Transmediale Magazine 2018 EC Research interview: Pacific Mornings (ABC Australia) ABC Australia 2018 EC Research interview: Pacific Beat (ABC Australia) ABC Australia 2018 EC Artist feature: Not waving but drowning The Wire - Adventures in Sound and Music 2018 EP Pacific Podcasting Manual untitled 2018 EC Research interview: Cooperating at the frontlines of climate change Mediapart 2018 EC Artist interview: What does the end of the world sound like? Artist interview Outline Magazine 2018 EC Amplification//Annihilation Resonance FM 2017 EC Beholder halfway: Field recording and pop music Resonance FM 2017 SL Artist interview: Four questions on field recording Engraved Glass Publishing 2017 SL Listening geographies: Landscape, affect and geotechnologies. Progress in Human Geography 2017 EC On track to what? Colonialism, climate change and COP23 Red Pepper Magazine 2017 EC Overcoming abstractions, invisibilities and distance: Artful engagements with climate change WIREs Climate Change 2017 LSO Reading Deborah Cowen's "The Deadly Life of Logistics: Mapping Violence in Global Trade" Political Geography 2017 EC Refusing the world: Silence, commoning, and the Anthropocene South Atlantic Quarterly 2017 LSO A brief proposition toward a sonic geo-politics Journal of Sonic Studies 2016 EC And then the sea came back Soundproof ABC Radio National 2016 EC Beholder halfway: Climate, capitalism and crisis Resonance FM 2016 SL Of what is heard and not heard Errant Bodies 2016 EC A Story of Extinction Liquid Architecture 2015 SG For a politics of atmospheric governance Dialogues in Human Geography 2015 SL Geopolitics and the Anthropocene: Five propositions for sound Geohumanities 2015 EC Listening to the Anthropocene: Sound and Ecological Crisis Liquid Architecture 2015 EC Orbis Emergent Ecologies 2015 SL Field-Recording: Bellbirds, Melbourne Zoo Untitled 2014 LSO Research interview: ‘Hierarchy’ The Forum BBC World Service/ BBC Radio 4 2014 EC Sound and the City Natural History Museum 2014 LSO What is a research platform? Mapping methods, mobilities and subjectivities Media, Culture and Society 2014 EP A micro-history of ‘convivial’ radio in Japan Parallax 2013 SL Dirty Ear Forum Errant Bodies 2013 EP Experimental Politics and the Making of Worlds Routledge 2013 EP Introduction: What moves us? Affective micropolitics in art and activism Parallax 2013 LSO Research interview: 'Tracking and Surveillance’ The Forum BBC World Service/ BBC Radio 4 2013 SG Tracking and tracing: Geographies of logistical governance and labouring bodies Environment and Planning D 2013 EP And…and…and…The transversal politics of performative encounters Deleuze Studies 2012 LSO Collaboration, competition, aspiration: Creative labour in Shanghai Subjectivity 2012 EP Towards a careful listening Minor Compositions 2012 EP Towards a Careful Listening: Sound, Gender, Feminism, Activism Sound: Gender: Feminism: Activism/ Her Noise Archive 2012 SL A sonic geography of the voice: Towards an affective politics Progress in Human Geography 2011 EP Catalyst radio: Towards a radical UK internet radio network Sourcefabric 2011 SL Field-Recording: In Dreams, Hamburg Untitled 2011 SL Your Voice is a Suspension of Time New Adventures in Sound Art 2011 SL Field-Recording: Yuen Po Bird Garden, Hong Kong Untitled 2010 EP Breaking out of the specialist “ghetto” Thamyris/ Intersecting 2010 LSO Reporting on City is Ours Housing Campaign, Naarm/ Melbourne Dissident Island 2010 EP Cultural workers, throw down your tools, the Metropolis is on strike Myrdle Court Press 2010 EP Future functions: Aspiration, desire and futures Blood and Thunder Press 2010 EP Interview with Japanese radio maker Tetsuo Kogawa Dissident Island Radio 2010 LSO Reporting on Education Cuts, London Dissident Island Radio, Resonance FM, 3CR Melbourne 2010 LSO Reporting on Right to Work Campaign, London Dissident Island 2010 LSO The antagonistic university? The Sociological Imagination 2010 EC Reporting on 15th Climate Change Conference, Copenhagen Dissident Island and Resonance FM 2009 EP Vocabulaboratories Vocabulaboratories 2009 EP Gestures of everyday resistance: The significance of play and desire in the Umsonst politics of collective appropriation Translate 2007 EP Negotiating speech and organizational practices: Field notes and reflections from two counter-G8 (2007) initiatives Mute 2007 EP Reporting on Pirate Radio, Naarm/ Melbourne Untitled 2007 EP The question of authenticity in 1960s — 1970s Californian body art: Posing a challenge to a concept of presence Australasian Drama Studies 2004