AM Kanngieser

Transversal Geographies

non academic publication Pacific Podcasting Manual untitled 2018

Welcome to this Introductory Podcasting Manual. This manual has been compiled from material and feedback from basic podcasting workshops that were run in Suva Fiji in 2018 by AM Kanngieser, with assistance from Krystelle Lavaki Danford, Mere Nailatikau and Lee Ingleton for the Climates of Listening project. It is a simple guide on:
i) What a podcast is;
ii) What to think about when making a podcast;
iii) Easy instructions on audio editing.
It is designed to be shared, copied and used to introduce other people to podcasting.

Kanngieser A, Nailatikau M, Lavaki, K, Ingelton L 2019 Introduction to Podcasting Manual [Online]