AM Kanngieser

Transversal Geographies

SL Artist interview: Enlivening our responsiveness to the world Green Dreamer 2024 SL Artist interview: Refuge Radio Refuge Radio 2024 SL Decolonising aural architectures Somerset House Studios 2024 SL Listening in Oceania CTM Festival: Discourse Series - Sustain 2024 SL Listening to place, practising relationality: Embodying six emergent protocols for collaborative relational geographies Emotion, Space and Society 2024 SL Artist interview: Ear | Wave | Event Ear | Wave | Event 2023 SL Listening across faultlines: Stories of Oceanic life Deutschland Radio 2023 SL Sonic colonialities: Listening, dispossession, and the (re)making of Anglo-European nature. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2023 SL To hear differently, away from sonic certitude: Some propositions University of Westminster Press 2023 SL We hear them in their laughter MILK Gallery 2022 SL Abolitionary listening: Propositions and questions Critical Legal Thinking: Law and the Political 2021 SL Acts of listening and urban geography: Four propositions of sonic knowledges and territories IMéRA, Aix-Marseille University Institute for Advanced Study 2021 SL And always, I return to this Transmediale 2021 SL Artist interview: Sound Arts Now Uniform Books 2021 SL Artist interview: Time to Listen, Space to Experiment Paradiso Press 2021 SL Between Dying and Death there is a Hum Rewire International Festival for Adventurous Music 2021 SL Listening as method, part 3: Listening as taking-leave Seedbox Environmental Humanities Lab 2021 SL Listening as Relation, an Invocation CTM Festival: Discourse Series - Critical Modes of Listening 2021 SL Invocation (For Z) Touch Compass and Auckland Live 2020 SL Listening as method, part 1: Listening as coming-to Seedbox Environmental Humanities Lab 2020 SL Listening as method, part 2: Listening as being-with Seedbox Environmental Humanities Lab 2020 SL Undertow Klosterruine Berlin 2020 SL Sonifying the world Sounding Place 2019 SL Artist interview: Four questions on field recording Engraved Glass Publishing 2017 SL Listening geographies: Landscape, affect and geotechnologies. Progress in Human Geography 2017 SL Of what is heard and not heard Errant Bodies 2016 SL Geopolitics and the Anthropocene: Five propositions for sound Geohumanities 2015 SL Field-Recording: Bellbirds, Melbourne Zoo Untitled 2014 SL Dirty Ear Forum Errant Bodies 2013 SL A sonic geography of the voice: Towards an affective politics Progress in Human Geography 2011 SL Field-Recording: In Dreams, Hamburg Untitled 2011 SL Your Voice is a Suspension of Time New Adventures in Sound Art 2011 SL Field-Recording: Yuen Po Bird Garden, Hong Kong Untitled 2010